4 Ways with Leftover Lasagna for Lunch

Lasagna 4 Ways

I like lasagna and enjoy eating leftovers for lunch. Here are four different leftover lasagna lunches. You can use any of these ideas for dinner and/or lunch. Three of these lunches include a different type of bread since it is traditional to serve bread with lasagna. One of the lunches does not include bread to give you a different option. I used a simple french bread recipe to make all of the bread featured in these lunches. I made knots out of some dough, baked a loaf in my larger french bread pan, and baked a loaf in a skinny baguette pan. But of course you can buy bread already baked.

Use your favorite lasagna recipe or store bought lasagna. I used my own basic lasagna recipe with ricotta, freshly grated Parmesan, and assorted herbs with mozzarella melted on top.

Lasagna with Bread Knot

I intended this meal to have garlic knots but I forgot to brush with olive oil and garlic before baking. Silicone cups make it easy to remove items if you want to heat the lasagna.

Container: EasyLunchBoxes

Lasagna: Lasagna and bread knots

Fruit: Mandarin orange slices

Vegetable: Broccoli

Lasagna Broccoli Melon

I wanted one meal to not include bread so I added broccoli. Some people are not temperature sensitive with food but some are. I planned for this meal to be heated and placed the fruit in a silicone cup so it could easily be removed before heating the rest of this meal.

Container: EasyLunchBoxes

Lasagna: Lasagna and broccoli

Vegetable: Green peas

Fruit: Cantaloupe

Lasagna Crostini Cucumber

Once a coworker commented that I like crunchy food. Maybe he thought I was too noisy with the pretzels I ate at my desk as a snack. The crostini in this meal were the perfect crunch to go along with the soft lasagna.

Container: EasyLunchBoxes

Lasagna: Lasagna and crostini. I made the crostini with a homemade skinny baguette, olive oil and a little freshly grated Parmesan. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes or until golden.

Fruit: Mandarin orange slices

Vegetable: Cucumber

Lasagna Garlic Bread Grapefruit

Garlic bread is probably what a majority of people think of as the bread accompaniment for lasagna. So it was a natural choice for this meal. I love eating sectioned grapefruit like this. It does not take that much time but it always seems like an indulgence.

Container: EasyLunchBoxes

Lasagna: One slice of lasagna. Garlic bread made with homemade french bread, butter, garlic powder, and some dried parsley.

Vegetable: Carrots

Fruit: Grapefruit


About eclecticlamb

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4 Responses to 4 Ways with Leftover Lasagna for Lunch

  1. bentodays says:

    Yummy! Love the different ways you packed the lasagne!

  2. eclecticlamb says:

    Thank you so much!

  3. Mezasu says:

    Great ideas! We actually have lasagna often and always have leftovers.

  4. eclecticlamb says:

    Thank you so much!

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