World Ag Expo

The main reason my husband and I joined the CLAAS tour was to attend the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California. The World Ag Expo is a large agriculture exhibition. It covers most aspects of agriculture (equipment, communication, technology, etc.) including many areas of production agriculture (dairy, nuts, fruit, etc.) .

I do not have a business or personal reason to be interested in a majority of the exhibits at the expo. But I had a good time.

The expo is huge (2.5 million square feet of exhibit space). Our strategy was to view some exhibits together and some alone. It worked out great because we were able to focus on our individual interests.

Farm Credit Dairy Center seen through the Kubota exhibit

Eric in the Dairy Pavilion

Antique tractor seats on vintage milk cans

Rubber matting to line pathways in barns

Delo Engine

Hay rake


Demo on how to take a horse’s pulse

Rubber track for combine or tractor

Orchard pruners

As frequent visitors to this blog know, I enjoy taking photos of items collected or received.

Loot from our day at the expo

About eclecticlamb
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1 Response to World Ag Expo

  1. roland says:

    Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed the pictures.

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