Total Solar Eclipse Food

My town is in the path of totality of the Solar Eclipse. We will experience it at 3:20 pm today. I have seen one partial solar eclipse (2017) and a few lunar eclipse. It will be my first total Solar Eclipse. It seems like everyone is taking about the eclipse. I heard a few people complain about eclipse mania. Schools are closed. Many stores will close during totality. In my opinion it is something different and more fun to think about than many horrible things in the world. Also, I always like an occasion for cute food! I am planning on viewing it from my yard or with my 92 year old neighbor. Usually it is cloudy this time of year but scientists say it will still be a unique experience for the 3.5 minutes of totality even it if it cloudy.

I enjoy creating themed food for holidays, special occasions, life and historical events. I should make food for these occasions more often because they are often some of my favorite creations.

Solar Eclipse Tostada – Tortilla with mashed black beans and salsa, orange bell pepper, carrots cut with a cookie cutter (I was inspired by this.)

Eclipse Salad – Moons – cucumber cut with a cookie cutter, fresh mozzarella balls, cherry tomatoes

Eclipse Fruit – Blueberries in round cookie cutter, pineapple (I was inspired by this.)

I went to Trader Joes to see what they had for the eclipse – only the above closing announcement sign and some black and white cookies. I also found the same at Tops Supermarket – black and white cookies.

My favorite Wegmans decorated festively for the eclipse. They had star balloons, themed shirts, sunflowers and metallic roses (gold or silver), and many themed sweets. Here are some photos I took in the store. I enjoyed the festive atmosphere and of course the Behind the Moon cheese tray!

About eclecticlamb
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