Groot Themed Dinner

groot dinner family photo

I had my friend Renae and her family over for a Groot themed meal. They brought over their baby Groot to use as a centerpiece. This theme was something I talked about for awhile and we finally did it. I made 6 individual Groot breads (my companion Dennis came later after work and he also enjoyed the meal).

Groot Dinner Table

Groot Bread – I doubled the recipe and made 6 individual Groot breads. For the eyes I used dried cherries. I did not use an egg wash.

Lentil Feta Salad

Raw Vegetables with Ranch Dip

Groot Cookies – I am not skilled with a pastry bag and struggled with this since the dough was too thick. Also I forgot to buy heavy cream and used milk. I had to keep adding milk to make it loose enough so I could pipe it. But they turned out cute and my guests enjoyed. I used Trader Joe’s Cacao Nibs for the eyes.

cooling groot bread.jpeg

I only made 2 with cheddar cheese on top since I did not know how popular they would be with my crowd.

Groot bread close

Groot Cookies.jpg

baby groot back with cookies

My critique of the meal: I was concerned about the nutritional value of the meal since it was centered around large individual breads. I love doing themed meals and I think that this will be memorable for my guests. I know that it will be memorable for me.

About eclecticlamb
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