Week 45 Open Base Needlewoven Picot

The stitch for week 45 of TAST was the Open Base Needlewoven Picot stitch. It is similar to the Closed Base Needlewoven Picot but it has a wider base. I enjoyed learning this stitch.

About eclecticlamb

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11 Responses to Week 45 Open Base Needlewoven Picot

  1. Mary Lee says:

    Wow – that is an amazing stitch!

  2. eclecticlamb says:

    Thank you! I enjoyed working with it.

  3. mtetar says:

    Something different. Thank you for sharing. Best, Mtetar

  4. mtetar says:

    You’re always welcome. Best, Mtetar

  5. Queeniepatch says:

    Oh, this is neat. I love the H-shape you have added.

  6. eclecticlamb says:

    Thanks! I was covering extra space.

  7. mycraftworks says:

    Beautifully stitched.

  8. Eric says:

    I love it. Looks like a bird in flight

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